
Fyra dagar kvar nu tills årets andra tävling vilket är bråvesta challange, jag åker dit torsdag eftermiddag och kommer hem på söndag. Mina mål för just denna tävlingen är frammför allt två saker, byterna, jag måste sluta störa honom i byterna. Det är där våra minus kommer, man får 5 penalties för kick i bytet och det är just det som han gör när jag stör honom. Jag ska bara sitta över och lita på att han byter. Så det är ett av mina mål, det andra är att han inte ska hänga på ytersidan i höger volterna, så måste få undan honom där. Så min tanke just nu är att det är mitt mål. Sen kan de ju komma upp mer saker såklart men det är det jag måste jobba på. 
För er som inte riktigt vet hur en bedömming i reining går till så kan ni läsa här

According to the AQHA Official Handbook of Rules and Regulations Rule 481, “Scoring will be on the basis of 0-infinity, with 70 denoting an average performance. Points will be added or subtracted from the maneuvers on the following bases, ranging from plus 1.5 to minus 1.5 : -1.5 extremely poor, -1 very poor, -0.5 poor, 0 average, +0.5 good, +1 very good, +1.5 excellent. Maneuver scores are to be determined independently of penalty points.”

No score

This type of score will result in the contestant being disqualified and unable to perform in their remaining classes of the day.

  • Infraction of state or federal law pertaining to the exhibition, care and custody of horses within state where event is held.
  • Abuse of animal in ring and/or evidence that abuse has occurred prior to or during competition.
  • Use of illegal equipment.
  • Attachment which alters the movement of or circulation to the tail.
  • Failure to dismount and present the horse and equipment for inspection by the judge.
  • Disrespect or misconduct by the exhibitor.

Penalty scores

With a penalty score zero or disqualification, the rider will be unable to be used for the class, but will be able to compete in remaining classes of the day.

  • 0 or “DQ” or disqualification
    • More than index finger between reins.
    • Use of two hands (except in a snaffle).
    • Failure to complete the pattern as written.
    • Jogging in excess of half circle or half the length of the arena.
    • Over spins of more than one-quarter turn.
    • Fall to the ground by horse or rider. Fall of horse is defined as shoulder and/or hip and/or underline touches the ground.
    • Dropping a rein that contacts the ground while the horse is in motion.
    • Failure to wear appropriate western attire.
  • 5 point penalties

    • Spurring in front of the cinch.
    • Use of either hand to instill fear or praise.
    • Holding saddle horn.
    • Blatant disobedience including kicking, biting, bucking rearing and striking.
  • 2 point penalties

    • Break of gait.
    • Freeze up in spin or rollback.
    • On walk in patterns, cantering prior to reaching the center of the arena and/or failure to stop or walk before executing a canter departure.
    • On run in patterns, failure to be in a canter prior to reaching first marker.
    • If a horse does not completely pass the specified marker before initiating the stop position

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